Faith Lane Books

The Fresh Librarian

The Poet Genealogist

• Wildly enthusiastic about the experience of living
• Attention Driven & Hyper-Designed*
• Poet
• Genealogist & historical researcher
• Lifelong learner
• Entrepreneur
• Traveler
• Wife of 25+ years
• Mother of three fantastic adults
• Grandmother
• BFA in Drama with emphasis in Directing
• Born in Maine; returned to Maine in 2015
• Library Director, Dorcas Library, Prospect Harbor, Maine
• Library Director, Winter Harbor Public Library, Winter Harbor, Maine


*A Note about ADHD.

I do not believe that those of us challenged with neurological “differences” are sick or disordered or dysfunctional. Do we have a hard time doing things the way the 95% do them? Yes, indeedy. Does that make the 95% “right” and the 5% “wrong”? Oh, hell no. So I am always playing with the acronym ADHD to find a better meaning to describe myself to others.

ADHD doesn’t mean that I cannot pay attention, nor does it mean that I cannot stay organized. It means I cannot pay attention when I am bored… hence, I am Attention Driven. When I am curious about a topic, I can actually “hyper-focus” for hours at a time without taking a break. In shared spaces, I easily become overwhelmed with “other people’s clutter.” In my own space, I am actually “hyper-organized” Hyper-Focused + Hyper-Organized = Hyper-Designed.


What are the ways you do not “fit in”?  I challenge you to explore those differences, turn them upside-down, and begin to see those unique attributes as your strengths. Celebrate them

Do not allow yourself to be defined solely by the expectations of others.