Faith Lane Books

The Fresh Librarian

The Poet Genealogist

More About Druids

Previously I stated that Druids were known in early monastic communities in Ireland. It might be more accurate to say that early Irish Christian monks attempted to document in writing the ancient laws which had been associated with the Druids. These laws became codified, and then disseminated across the British Isles. 

I have been reading about the Celts and their customs and mythologies since I was a child. The association of Druids with Merlin in literature also stirred my curiosity. 

The more I dig into the research, the less can be stated for certain. And that is as the Druids wanted it. 

As learned people, who could easily converse, read, and write in many languages, they made the deliberate choice NOT to write down the essence of their beliefs. 

And this is powerful magick! 

Because this absence of written instructions leaves us, their descendants, an ability to create ourselves in the direction that Nature points us. Nature is our teacher. Nature provides the instruction and inspiration and insight necessary to live mindfully, to pray mindfully, to act mindfully, to work mindfully, and to care for all connected beings mindfully.