Faith Lane Books

The Fresh Librarian

The Poet Genealogist

Category: Writing

  • Finding the Flow

    write coaching email for genealogy club members crunch numbers for upcoming board meeting moderate volunteer luncheon & training send a personal thank you note to a generous sponsor flyers, flyers, flyers book selection committee meet with board president sprinkle generously with training moments spice with shared laughter add just about two miles of walking inside…

  • transmission trouble

    the fluid burnt to sienna richness oozes seeps drips runs pours streams into the drip pan as you (in your ymca t-shirt and paint spattered shorts) loosen each of s e v e n t e e n bolts why seventeen? i ask (i love to watch you work) it’s a mystery… you say you…

  • celebrate

    the thing about genealogy is this… you see from your own family and others that people are just people from the bishop to the farmer to the indigent widow from the lowest peasant to the wealthiest baron people are just people all have suffered all have fallen short we are all alike no need for…

  • irish ancestry notes

    i’m irish? i’m irish. i’m irish! a few generations ago my people were irish what a wealth of stories that implies did they weep with joy coming to maine because the land and the weather felt like home? did they smile to see flowers on the meadow cows lined up for milking low bawling heard…

  • advice to our grandson

    For the Baby Who Bumped His Nose (& His Forehead) [& His Chin] Yesterday Tips from Grandma’s Wild & Wooly Childhood 1. Do not stand where doors will be opened. Door knobs make a solid impression, and the black eyes they leave behind when they smack you in the head are quite spectacular. 2. When…

  • tenacious

    They walk along a rocky shore father and delighted four-year old daughter (now wrapped in a quarter century). Stooping with wonder to gaze into shallow tidepools teeming with life. See! Oh look, Daddy! Tiny shelled creatures. Tenacious as the relationship between father and four-year-old daughter all grown up.   fl 2004_08

  • my daughter myself

    looking at old photosi am shockedat how alike we seem you are your own woman now(as you always have been?) i hope that you canbe stronger than i ever wasburn more brightly than i ever didbe kinder than i ever thought of beingbring your dreams to fruition practice patiencewalk with grace i hope you continueto…

  • son

    i see you in reruns of specific moments tipping forward suddenly bumping your nose carpet burn crawling tenaciously from one end of grampa’s picnic table to the other sleeping contentedly in a backpack while your father breaks a trail through grizzly country ponytail your cape lifted on the breeze standing atop the hill arms raised…

  • my wish

    oh my daughters… how i wish for you intimate connections to sisters to mothers to friends to kindred spirits that you may never be lonely oh my daughters how i wish for you the strong mothering bond the sweet comfort of babe in arms the serenity of knowing your children love and respect you but…

  • thanksgiving

    certain smells take me back to walker hill. thanksgiving was women bustling, fussing sage and thyme mellowed in hot butter, filling the house with scent turkey basted again and again pungent scent of onions, raw, peeled, diced sweet tiny onions simmering on the stove and oh, the stuffing… sage again and spiced sausage all about…